Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Jesus Door

In my last post I referenced the choir door at First UMC that has the image of Jesus in it. Apparently, there is a consensus at this church that by revealing the "miracle", every "crazy in the country" would come through. Now, the Bible I've been reading tells me that that's who Jesus spent a lot of his precious time with. But more importantly is the implication one congregant made when she said, "You have no idea the good that door has done this church. It's really let us know Jesus is right here with us." That's right. Jesus is right here with us, but we are going to keep him locked up in a building (my paraphrase). I don't think that's right. So, without much further ado, here is the Jesus Door:

I don't have any of the appropriate filters for my camera, so the fluorescent lights have created a bit of a glare in these pictures that you don't actually see in person. So... the invitation is out. If you want to come see the Jesus Door, feel free!

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