Sunday, June 22, 2008

Setting Out on a New Adventure

Well... I'm resetting my life, so I thought I should reset my blog as well. I haven't exactly been an active blogger... in fact, if I post a new blog once every six months, I'm doing pretty good.

But, I'm packing up my little apartment in Denver and preparing for the cross-country drive back to West Virginia. It's been a fast three years, and yet every time I see those rolling green hills I realize how long I have been gone. I ventured way to far from the familiar and at times paid the price. But for the most part, it was an experience I needed so that I could see just how wide my wings could spread.

Now I'm leaving the shadows of the Rockies and heading home, knowing full-well where I belong. With my index-card-of-a-diploma and a hunger for practical ministry, I'm heading to Welch, West Virginia where I will be pastor of two churches. I'm excited, and I'm scared... but I know it is right.

With the new commitment and the new life, I feel a renewed sense that I should start blogging again. So, here I go again,  re-launching this site (for about the third time)... although I am no longer an Appalachian Abroad. Yet, once you've left the hills, you'll spend the rest of your life trying to find your way back and won't quite get there. Just ask Homer Hickam... he knows how it feels to be both an insider and outsider and never quite fitting in again. But you never can leave.

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